A Guide to Consumer Duty Board Report
In recent years, regulatory requirements for businesses, particularly in customer service and transparency, have become increasingly stringent. The Consumer Duty Board Report introduced by the FCA is one such initiative aimed at ensuring fair treatment of consumers across various sectors, including automotive sales.

What is the Consumer Duty Board Report?

The FCA’s Consumer Duty aims to enhance consumer protection by setting clear expectations for firms to prioritize the needs of their customers. It requires businesses to act in the best interests of consumers, provide clear information, and deliver products and services that meet their needs.

Why is it Important for Automotive Dealers?

For automotive dealerships, compliance with the Consumer Duty is crucial for several reasons:

  • Enhancing Trust: By demonstrating commitment to consumer welfare, dealerships can build trust and loyalty among customers.

  • Legal Compliance: Avoiding penalties and legal repercussions by adhering to regulatory standards.

  • Business Reputation: Maintaining a positive reputation in the market as a customer-centric business.

Key Components of the Consumer Duty Board Report

The report outlines several key principles that automotive dealers should focus on:

  • Customer Needs: Understanding and prioritizing the needs of customers during every stage of the buying process.

  • Clear Communication: Providing clear and transparent information about products, services, and pricing.

  • Fair Outcomes: Ensuring that the products and services offered meet the expectations and needs of customers.

How Can Automotive Dealers Implement the Consumer Duty?

Implementing the Consumer Duty requires a proactive approach from dealerships:

  • Training and Awareness: Educating staff on the principles of the Consumer Duty and embedding them into daily operations.

  • Reviewing Practices: Regularly reviewing sales and customer service practices to ensure alignment with regulatory requirements.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establishing feedback mechanisms to gauge customer satisfaction and make necessary improvements.

Your Free Downloadable Guide

To assist automotive dealers in navigating the complexities of the Consumer Duty Board Report, we’ve created a comprehensive guide. This guide includes:

  • Step-by-Step Compliance Checklist: Ensuring all regulatory requirements are met.

  • Best Practices and Case Studies: Learning from successful implementations in the industry.

  • Interactive Tools: Templates and frameworks to streamline compliance efforts.

Watch our Consumer Duty Board Report video

Adopting the principles of the Consumer Duty Board Report isn’t just about regulatory compliance; it’s about fostering a customer-first culture that drives long-term success. By prioritizing consumer needs and transparency, automotive dealerships can differentiate themselves in a competitive market while building lasting customer relationships.

Download your free report

What is a Credit Broker?
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer number of lenders and loan options out there? That's where a credit broker comes in handy. Think of them as your financial matchmaker, connecting you with the right lenders to suit your needs. Let’s take at look at what a credit broker does and how they can make your life a whole lot easier.

The Role of a Credit Broker

A credit broker is someone who knows the ins and outs of the lending world. They don’t lend money directly, but they do have the expertise to introduce lenders who might be just the right fit.

How Credit Brokers Work

  1. Understanding Your Needs: First, a credit broker will get to know your financial situation. They’ll look at things like your credit history, income, how much you want to borrow, and what you need the loan for.
  2. Navigating the Market: The lending market can be a maze. Credit brokers know this landscape like the back of their hand. They stay on top of the latest offers, interest rates, and lender requirements, saving you time and hassle.
  3. Finding Your Match: Based on what they learn about you, credit brokers will find lenders that are most likely to approve your loan and offer you the best terms. It’s like having a personal shopper for your finances.
  4. Helping with the Application: Applying for a loan can be daunting. Credit brokers guide you through the process, making sure all your paperwork is in order and submitted correctly, so you avoid any unnecessary delays or mistakes.
  5. Negotiating and Advising: With their industry connections, credit brokers can sometimes negotiate better terms for you. They’ll also give you tips on how to improve your credit profile, so you can get even better deals in the future.

Why Use a Credit Broker?

  1. Expert Advice: Credit brokers bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. They keep up with the latest trends and lender policies, which can be a real game-changer when you’re trying to find the best deal.
  2. Saves You Time: Researching and applying for loans on your own can be exhausting. Credit brokers take care of the heavy lifting, freeing you up to focus on other things.
  3. Access to More Options: Instead of being limited to one bank’s products, credit brokers open the door to a wide range of lenders. This means you’re more likely to find a loan that’s just right for you.
  4. Tailored Service: Credit brokers don’t believe in one-size-fits-all. They work with you to find solutions that match your specific needs and goals.

The Importance of Compliance

When dealing with finance, compliance is key. The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) plays a crucial role in ensuring that credit brokers operate within a framework that protects consumers. Here’s why this matters:

  1. Regulation: The FCA regulates credit brokers, ensuring they adhere to strict standards. This means they must be transparent about their services and fees, act in your best interests, and provide accurate information.
  2. Consumer Protection: FCA regulation includes measures to protect consumers from unfair practices. This includes ensuring that credit brokers offer clear, honest advice and that any fees charged are fair and reasonable.
  3. Trust and Confidence: Choosing an FCA-regulated credit broker gives you confidence that they are reputable and trustworthy. The FCA’s oversight means that brokers are held accountable, providing an extra layer of security for you.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind

While credit brokers can be incredibly helpful, there are a couple of things to consider:

  1. Fees: Some credit brokers charge for their services, either upfront or as a commission. Make sure you know what the fees are before you start.
  2. Regulation: It’s important to choose a credit broker who is regulated by the FCA. This ensures they follow industry standards and provides an extra layer of protection.
  3. Transparency: A good credit broker will be clear about their process, fees, and the lenders they work with. If they’re vague or evasive, that’s a red flag.

Wrapping Up

A credit broker can be your best friend when it comes to finding the right financing. They offer expert advice, access to multiple lenders, and a service tailored to your needs. Whether you’re looking for a personal loan, a mortgage, or business financing, a credit broker can help you navigate the complex world of lending and find the perfect solution. And with the assurance of FCA regulation, you can trust that you’re in good hands.

Navigating FCA Authorisation for Car Finance

Staying on the right side of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) isn’t just about ticking boxes — it’s about building trust and ensuring your business thrives in the competitive world of automotive finance.

Today, we’re breaking down the essential FCA authorisations you’ll need to keep your dealership running smoothly and legally.

Overview of FCA Authorisations for Car Finance Providers

The FCA stands as the guardian of fair financial play in the UK, making sure that businesses and consumers alike are part of a well-regulated financial market. For car dealers, this means obtaining the right permissions to offer financial products without hitting a regulatory speed bump.

Types of Required FCA Permissions

Limited Permission Credit Broking

This is your bread-and-butter authorisation. It allows you to introduce your customers to lenders and brokers. It is a gateway to offering finance options directly on your sales floor, empowering your customers with choices that best suit their affordability.

Debt Adjusting

Have you ever taken a car in part-exchange with a bit of finance left on it? That’s where Debt Adjusting comes into play. This permission is crucial for handling these agreements responsibly and ensuring that both you and your customer are on firm financial ground.

Debt Counselling

When customers need advice on the financial implications of their potential agreements, Debt Counselling permission lets you guide them on the best paths without falling foul of the FCA. It’s about giving informed advice that protects both the customer’s and your dealership’s integrity.

Applying for FCA Authorisation

Securing these permissions might seem daunting. You’ll need to demonstrate robust processes for managing loans and customer data, plus a clear understanding of the financial products you’re offering. Remember, the FCA loves documentation, so keep your records straight and your policies clear.

Maintaining Compliance

Getting your FCA permissions is just the start. Keeping up to date with ongoing compliance requirements, including training for your team and regular audits of your processes, will help you steer clear of compliance pitfalls.

Regular updates from professional advisors can keep you in the know and out of trouble. That’s where we come in. We can help you with that with our Compliance Packages.

Securing and maintaining the right FCA authorisations isn’t just regulatory red tape; it’s a foundational part of your business’s success in the car finance market. By embracing these regulations, you enhance your reputation and provide better service to your customers.

Not sure if you’ve got all your FCA ducks in a row? 

You can download our checklist for a structured approach to navigating the FCA authorisation process, with resources linked for each step.

Or you can reach out and get professional advice to ensure your dealership is fully compliant and ready to succeed. Give our team a call 01792 926040

Remember, we’re here to help guide you through the maze of regulations #CaringNotScaring

Understanding Consumer Duty in Motor Finance

In the ever-evolving landscape of motor finance, staying ahead of compliance requirements is not just a necessity but a strategic advantage. One of the most significant regulatory updates in recent years is the introduction of the Consumer Duty framework. This regulation mandates a higher standard of care that firms must provide to their customers, ensuring that their actions result in fair outcomes.

What is Consumer Duty?

Consumer Duty is a set of guidelines issued by financial regulators designed to ensure that financial institutions act to deliver the best outcomes for consumers. For motor finance companies, this means adjusting their operations not just to comply with the letter of the law but to prioritise the welfare of their customers genuinely.

Impact on Stakeholders

  • Lenders and Brokers:
    • Lenders are required to reassess their product offerings, pricing structures, and the overall value they provide to consumers.
    • Brokers need to ensure that the advice and products they recommend align with the interests of their customers, avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Dealers:
    • Dealers play a crucial role as they often act as the direct point of contact with consumers. They must ensure transparent communication about financial options and implications.
    • The regulation pushes dealers to scrutinise their partnerships with lenders and brokers, ensuring that their arrangements serve the customers’ best interests.

Implementing Consumer Duty Effectively

  • Training and Education:
    • Comprehensive training for all staff involved in consumer transactions is essential. This ensures everyone understands their roles under the new duty and how to execute them effectively.
  • Process Adjustments:
    • Review and revamp internal processes to align with Consumer Duty requirements. This might involve updating scripts, sales techniques, and documentation processes.
  • Monitoring and Reporting:
    • Implementing robust monitoring systems to ensure ongoing compliance and to catch potential deviations before they become systemic issues.
    • Regular reporting to higher management and regulators about compliance status and any challenges faced.
  • Customer-Centric Approaches:
    • Revise product designs and marketing strategies to focus more on customer needs and less on profit margins.
    • Enhance customer service protocols to provide clear, honest, and supportive communication.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Implementing Consumer Duty comes with its set of challenges, particularly around restructuring existing operations and ensuring all staff are on the same page. Motor finance firms might face initial costs and disruptions; however, the long-term benefits of increased customer trust and reduced regulatory risks far outweigh these temporary setbacks.


As the motor finance industry continues to navigate through a sea of regulatory changes, embracing Consumer Duty not only helps in staying compliant but also boosts business integrity and customer loyalty. Firms that proactively adopt and integrate these changes into their core operations will likely emerge as leaders in the competitive landscape of motor finance.

For more insights and assistance in navigating motor finance compliance, connect with “The Compliance Guys,” who specialise in turning regulatory challenges into business opportunities

FCA Authorisation
There are many questions to be answered about FCA Authorisation, over time we hope to answer them all in these blogs. So, let’s start with the question we get asked the most…

Do I need FCA Authorisation?

In almost all cases, yes. The most common exclusions are if you are offering less than 12 payments over less than 12 months and charge no interest or if you are only selling to limited companies, so our two biggest customers are retailers and automotive dealers – you will need to be authorised.

Once you’re authorised, you will have annual fees to pay, this fee for the average car dealer is around £160 per annum, but this is going to rise to £350 per annum, your FCA licence doesn’t expire, but it can be revoked!!  if you fail to pay your ongoing fee’s and file your reports then this will happen… but hey!! That’s why you’ll get us to do it for you.

There are a few different ‘levels’ of FCA Licence available, but if you’re a motor dealer or retailer, you will need FCA permissions for credit broking, and more often than not you will need ‘Limited Permissions’.

We always get asked how long will it take for my licence to be authorised? The FCA state for a standard Limited Permission Licence it can take up to six months, however for The Compliance Guys Ltd clients, the average is around three to four weeks if everything is correct.